For some time now, those who like to go out at night, go to bars or drink with family and friends have noticed that more and more people talk about this Gin. To understand a little bit how it started, we first need to understand how Gin left the scene, since it is one of the oldest man-made drinks. Initially created to be a medicine, primarily for the kidney system and bubonic plague, it was also consumed with tonic to fight malaria.
His life as a medicine did not take off and his light juniper flavor ended up on bar tables around the world. Seen as the king of drinks for centuries, it fell during the interwar period and dry law in the USA. Its resurgence started in the 80’s, being seen as a “drink” choice, as it has a high alcohol content and does not leave the characteristic bad breath. of alcohol, even so he always found his followers and had his great return marked by the European chefs, when they took him out of the long drinks glasses and served them in big glasses. Its sophistication was the reason for its fall and its return. Today there are several variations to prepare a good Gin Drink.
Its popularity grows around the world, which allows new versions to appear every day. With ingredients for all tastes, it is a versatile distillate that can be consumed in all seasons. For the world of glasses, Gin contributes a lot, being able to be served in the glass that bears its name, the Gin Glasses, in the traditional Martini Glasses, whiskey glasses and much more.
Check out 4 recipes now, choose your Neoplas cup or glass and prepare yours!
Gin Tônica
50 ml de Gin
1 pedaço de casca de limão siciliano
1 copo de gelo
Água tônica a gosto
Modo de preparo
Sirva, na Taça Gin Shelby com o gelo, os 50 ml de Gin e complete a bebida com a tônica. Finalize com a casca de limão siciliano. Utilize um mexedor de drink para misturar a bebida sem esmagar o limão.
30 ml de Gin
20 ml de Cointreau
20 ml suco de limão
30 ml de suco de cranberry
Modo de Preparo
Coloque todos os ingredientes em uma coqueteleira, agite bem e sirva em uma taça El Caribe sem gelo (se desejar leve a taça à geladeira antes).
50 ml de Gin
50 ml de vermute (preferencialmente rosé)
500 ml de bitter
Modo de preparo
Em um copo On the Rocks com gelo adicione os ingredientes e misture delicadamente com o mexedor de drink. Se desejar adicione mais gelo.
Dry Martini
90 ml de Gin
10 ml de Vermute seco
1 azeitona
Modo de preparo
Coloque o gin e o vermute seco em uma coqueteleira com 5 pedras de gelo. Misture. Sirva na taça El Caribe, filtrando o gelo com uma peneira. Finalize colocando a azeitona.